French Open: Barty beats Vondrousova to lift her first Grand Slam singles trophy

 Ashleigh BartyAshleigh Barty beat teenage sensation Marketa Vondrousova 6-1, 6-3 to lift her first Grand Slam singles trophy  on Court Philippe-Chatrier on Saturday.

 “It’s unbelievable, I’m a little bit speechless. It’s incredible, I played the perfect match today and I’m so proud of myself and my team. It’s just been a crazy two weeks,” Barty said on court before hugging the Coupe Suzanne-Lenglen.

stating that it's was a remarkable feeling, Barty said in her post-match press conference that at the moment it's a bit too much. "But it's amazing. I mean, we have done the work, and we tried to put ourselves in these positions. Now that we're here, it's just incredible," she said.

Meanwhile, Vondrousova, who had defeated Anastasija Sevastova, Petra Martic and Johanna Konta en route to a maiden major final, said Barty played just too good today. "I think she was just too good today. I think she played an amazing match. I didn't have too many chances today. Yeah, I think she just gave me a lesson today," Vondrousova said, adding, "It was also windy, so it was a bit different today. I think she didn't let me play my game today. I think she was just better at everything today.

"She's playing too good. She's mixing things up. She has a huge serve, so it's all very tough to play against. I didn't really feel good today because she didn't let me play my game, and it was really tough."