Kalmadi lashes out at Maken, says he is going to London as an IOA delegate

New Delhi: Former Commonwealth Games Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi who is facing corruption charges said that he has not been found guilty of anything and said that Union Sport minister Ajay Maken’s interference is not sought for about his London trip.

The reaction from Kalmadi came after Maken wrote to the IOA urging them not to facilitate Kalmadi’s trip to London by saying that his visit “defy the ‘Fundamental Principles of Olympism’ as enshrined in the Olympic Charter,” as he has not been cleared of his charges yet.

Kalmadi has been allowed by a Delhi Court to visit the games after he plead to the court seeking for permission to go to the London Olympic Games after he received an invitation from the IAAF Council and the general programme schedule of the Olympics. Kalmadi is a member of the IAAF Council and president of the Asian Athletics Association and said that it was required for him to be at the quadrennial event to represent the continent.

"I am not convicted yet and how could anyone say that I am corrupt. Maken has total disregard for the spirit of Olympic Games. I am going to London as an IOA delegate and I don't need any support from the Sports Ministry,” said Kalmadi.

“I strongly feel that this vilification campaign raised by Maken is meant to cause a split between officials and Indian players participating in the forthcoming London Olympics,” he further added.

Kalmadi feels that Maken's interference in the National Sports Federation was creating problems in the smooth functioning of sports in the country, and is causing groupism which will ultimately affect the performance of sports persons in Olympics and said he wants to ask the Prime Minister for Maken's resignation.

By Indian Sports News Network