Indian team to participate in World Junior Golf C’ship

Indian junior golf team to participate in World Golf C’shipNew Delhi: The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has approved the participation of Indian Junior Golf team in Ryo Ishikawaw World Junior Golf Championship Tokyo, Japan to be held from 01 to 05th August, 2012 at Tokyo (Japan).

The 07 member team comprising of (03 Boys,,02 Girls & 2 Managers) will participate in the event at full cost to the Government. The names of the Team members are as follows:

Aman Raj (Jr. Boy), Shubhankar Sharma (Jr. Boy), Abhishekh Kuhar (Jr. Boy), Gurbani Singh (Jr. Girl), Millie Sarohe (Jr. Girl), Gaurav Ghosh (Manager- Boys) and Usha Wasan (Manager-Girls).



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