Rohan Gajjar

Rohan GajjarName of the sportsperson: Rohan Gajjar


Discipline: Tennis


Date of Birth: 8th May, 1984


State: Maharashtra



Facts about Rohan Gajjar

•    He was ranked as No. 2  in juniors

•    He was ranked No.60 in the International Tennis Federation juniors.



Rohan Gajjar was born on 8 May 1984 in Mumbai, Maharashtra. His father’s name is Dr. Nitin Gajjar and mother’s name is Dr. Madhavi Gajjar. He is right handed Indian Tennis player. He completed his schooling through Mithibai College in Mumbai and graduated in Marketing Management from university of Arkansas, Fayetteville. He was ranked as high as No. 2 in juniors and No. 60 in the International Tennis Federation juniors.


His favorite surface hard coach age started when he was just nine years old. His current ATP Champions Race position is 893 and his rank in current Doubles is 842.His Singles Record is 75-45 while his Doubles Record is 49-61. He went 12-8 in the spring with nine straight victories, including a win over Gabe Coren of San Diego State, No. 113 in the nation, at the five spot for the Razorbacks.  At one point, he was the only Razorback ranked on the team at No. 102; going 7-1 throughout that span.  He teamed to play doubles with Talley Parker at the No. 3 position.