Bengaluru: Aditi Ashok predictably entered the final of the Usha IGU All-India Ladies and Juniors Girls Golf Championship 2014 Matchplay event at the Par 72 Eagleton Golf Resort on Saturday. She will take on Anisha Padukone in an all-Bengaluru affair on Sunday. The final will be played over 36-holes.
Aditi had a predictably tight contest with Ridhima Dilawari, who has been posing challenges to all players throughout the year. Their duel went the length of the course and eventually Aditi made the final 1-up, having won just one hole more than Ridhima after 18 holes. In the other semi-final, Anisha also had a fairly close affair with a 2&1 win over Suchitra Ramesh.
Usha International (UIL) is strongly committed to the development of sports in the country and has been a major supporter of golf for the last 25 years. Usha’s unwavering support to golf has encouraged many promising young talents across to the nation pursue the sport in a professional manner. Usha, the nationwide sponsor of the entire Indian Golf Union (IGU) Ladies Tour, meanwhile continues its long association with the sport. Usha covers the entire spectrum of the game in the country – from juniors, to ladies, to professional golf.