'Horror show' for Soldra as Vijender Singh wins by technical knockout against his Polish opponent in third round

Vijender Singh beats Andrzej SoldraBolton: In the buildup to the bout, Andrej Soldra said that he will put up a horror show for Vijender Singh and end his unbeaten run on Friday the 13th. However, the Indian juggernaut continued to roll on at Bolton as he won by a technical knockout against his Polish opponent in the third round of his bout.

The first round went to Vijender Singh, who perhaps faced his toughest challenge so far in his short professional boxing career. Polish pugilist Andrzej Soldra did not back down from the challenge the Indian posed, and looked to match him blow for blow. However, Vijender landed a solid right hand punch which put him down on the floor. Soldra though, got back upon his feet and did not show any effect of that punch.

The second round was a much tighter affair with both the boxers prodding each other with left arm jabs. Eventually, Vijender backed him to the ropes and landed a couple of furious punches with his impressive reach.

Soldra started to slow down and showed fatigue in the third round, and that allowed Vijender to get on the top. He once again pushed him to the ropes and landed a series of right hand punches. Eventually, the referee stopped the match and the Indian won his sixth bout in a row with a technical knockout.