Hero Women's Indian Open kicks starts at the Delhi Golf Club

Sharmila-Nicollet-Hero-Women-Pro-GolfNew Delhi: The 18 strong Thai women professionals are staking a strong claim to emerge winner in theHero Women's India Open beginning tomorrow at the New Delhi Golf Club.

The Thais have a good record in the Hero Women's India Open with rising star Phatlum, Pornanong winning it three times (2008; 2009 and 2012) and defending champion Suwannapura, Thidapa (2013).

Even in the inaugural event in 2007, another Thai Russamee Gulyanamitta, lost in a playoff with Tseng Ya Ni (who was playing in her first professional event after turning pro months earlier).

While Phatlum is not here to increase her wins, Suwarnapura is ready to go the extra mile to seal another win.

"Yes, I'm prepared for this, mentally and physically. It's now left to me to execute the actions," said the lass from Bangkok. She believes her main challengers are from within the Thai camp. I know my compatriots are all out to dethrone me and I take it as a challenge.

"Then again you have the challenge from the Ladies European Tour (LET) players. So the path to victory is not going to be easy for me," she added.

Two other past winners from LET Laura Davies (2010) and Caroline Hedwell (2011) are missing from this year's event.

The challenge from India will come from a young popular star Sharmilla Nicollete and evergreen veteran Smriti Mehra.

"I don't want to be complacent. Although I know this course inside out, it doesn't mean I can win. In this beautiful course you need to manage your game and I hope this will carry me through. The weather is perfect just a little chilly when the winds blow. I want to enjoy my game and do well this time around," said Simi, as she aptly known.