Jeje might miss AFC Challenge Cup

New Delhi: Jeje Lalpekhlua’s contribution in the upcoming AFC Challenge Cup to be held in Nepal remains doubtful as the Indian striker has been advised to take rest for 8 weeks.

Jeje suffered an injury on his left knee during his club Pune FC’s I-League campaign. His MRI report reveals bone contusion and grade 2/3 injury to MCL of left knee. The striker is being treated by Dr. Anant Joshi and has been advised non weight bearing with crutches for 3 weeks. It will be followed by a minimum rehab for 3 weeks under Dr. Joshi’s supervision.

Goalkeeper Subrata Paul had earlier been ruled out of the AFC Challenge Cup. India begins their campaign in the AFC Challenge Cup against Tajikistan on March 9, 2012.



By Indian Sports News